Ceremony Format
On confirming your booking you will have access to all the resources and sample ceremony material to assist you in personalising and tailoring your ceremony as much as you like. Everyone is different as such I aim to provide ceremony options and elements that allow you to personalise and create a ceremony that truly reflects you.
Elements of a Ceremony
* Mandatory parts required for marriage are in red
Bridal Party Entry
Bridal party enters, walks down the aisle usually to some music.
Celebrant: I will welcome your guests and touch on the bond between the Bride / Groom / Partner, which has brought them to this day and their unity in marriage.
The Giving Away
Optional: Usually the Bride / Partner’s Father gives her / him away, however other variations are often used, such as both parents, an older brother as a representative of the father or family and many more.
A Reading or Poem
Optional: Celebrant, family member or friend: Something special chosen by you to be read to set the mood of or as a way of involving others in your ceremony.
Ceremony Ritual
Optional: There are all sorts of ceremony rituals that can be incorporated into the ceremony. These can symbolise aspects of the bond between the parties. Some rituals are religious or cultural, some have historic significance and others are unique to the Bride / Groom / Partner’s journey to this point and their future as husband and Wife / Partners / Spouse.
Celebrant: It is a requirement of the Marriage Act 1961, that the celebrant use a given definition of his or her authorisation with which to conduct the ceremony, and also of the nature of the marriage relationship.
Below is the mandatory Authorisation required for the solemnising of a marriage.
(Required for marriage) I Adrian Downey am Duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law.“Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.” “Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
The Asking (“I Do”)
Celebrant: It is essential that within either the asking or the vows that the Bride and Groom / Partner take each other as Husband and Wife or Partners.
The Vows
(Required for marriage) I call upon the persons here present to witness that I Bride / Groom / Partner take you Bride / Groom / Partner to be my lawful weeded wife / husband / Spouse. Bride / Groom /Partner: This is where the Parties exchange their vows and express their lifetime commitment to one another.
The Ring Ceremony
Bride / Groom /Partner: The exchange of rings with the option of some personal words or ring vow by the Parties as the rings are exchanged.
Declaration Of Marriage / Kiss The Bride / Groom / Partner
Celebrant: You are now pronounced husband and wife / Spouse /Partner and Kiss the Bride / Groom / Partner.
The Signing Of The Marriage Register / Certificate
Celebrant: At this stage I will ask the guests to sit quietly while the Bride / Groom / Spouse /Partner’s and the witnesses sign the register and marriage certificate while some background music is played.
The Presentation / Conclusion
Celebrant: Presents the couple with the certificate of marriage and will introduce the Bride / Groom / Spouse /Partner to their guests as Mr and Mrs or a title of their choice.
Bride, Groom, Groomsmen and Bridesmaids Exit
Bride, Groom, Bridesmaids and Groomsmen, walk back down the aisle usually to some music for congratulations and photos.
Ceremony Music Ideas
Through the ceremony as indicated in the ceremony format and as a guide music is generally played at the start for the Bridal party entrance, as background music while signing the documents and then at the end as you walk back down the aisle.
Often it’s music that evokes our fondest memories of special times and events. Make sure you choose songs for your big day that perfectly capture the atmosphere and emotions and conjure up happy memories for a lifetime.
Please see the links below to assist you with some ideas for your music selections should you wish to add some music as an element to your ceremony.
Modern Wedding – Wedding Songs The Ultimate Guide
If you are considering some live music for your ceremony their are some great options who would be happy to assist you and can be found on my Links & Partners page.

You can Upload a File, arrange a meeting to have a chat about your ceremony at a date, time and place convenient, make a payment, submit your notice of intended marriage details or make a booking using the forms below.
Questions❓ The answers to many common questions may be found on the FAQ’s page.
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